Well this last blog is bitter sweet. It has been a challenging semester but as we near the home stretch, the finish line is well within my view. I had 3 finals today before noon, so I'm pooped but caffeinated, still going but running on fumes! I got my first final grade today, an A of the semester and if everything goes according to plan, that is the first of 5 A's.As for my project...the succession doesn't seem to be anywhere near the finish line!
The mass amounts of diatoms that were once the most abundant in my specimen jar are all but a distant memory. I have found a few here and there but they are now in my 'rare' category, now the algae (green and blue-green) have taken over and are in the 'abundant' group, I found more Rotifers and a bunch more nematodes. I have a few photos of the nematodes but those suckers more so fast that it is hard to get a good picture so these are the best ones.
I was able to create an entire population under the right conditions, who knows where it will lead me?