
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mother Nature is...AWSOME

Sometimes there is so much to do and so much to say that it is hard to start to get it all out.  I've had a really exciting week in my experiment but I didn't think that way at the beginning.  I thought that I was doing something wrong, as I was seeing a major decline in variety and number of microbes species.  I wasn't seeing anything!


 At first I thought that I was just spoiled,  I had been using the higher powered microscopes that the professors use for the camera feature, and on Tuesday and Wednesday because of class schedules, I wasn't able to so I used the regular microscope and I couldn't find anything!  I tried a second sample to see if I had made a mistake but again...I saw only a few diatoms and some algae.  What happened to my microbe micro-city?  Well  after speaking with Matt, it all became clear...this was what I was supposed to be seeing.  The circle of life, the rise and fall of species, survival of the fittest, it was the end of the cycle for my diatoms, euglina, navicula and rotifers.  As they die off they release nitrogen and blue green algae thrive on nitrogen.
 So now I am beginning to see a decline in those microbe but seeing an increase of green and blue-green algae like Spriogyra, Nostoc and Anabaena.  It is amazing to see how this is all evolving, Science and Mother Nature...AWESOME
(Antievolution legislation: Missouri and Kentucky attack science

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