
Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm going viral...viral DNA

Hello everyone!! 

I'm so excited to start off this semester in S-STEM, I learned so much last term and I have no doubt that this term will be no different.  I met with Josh and Matt and went through all of the topics and idea's that they have complied for STEM projects.  I was debating whether or not to continue my last project (The succession of pond water communities, as it was extremely interesting) but decided to venture out and do something new.  As I am a forensic's major, Matt and I looked to see what would best fit my discipline as far as real world applications and we happened upon "Viral DNA in Human Genome".  So, yes, I'm going viral and I can't wait!!

The basic premise for my study will be to extract human DNA (by way of buccal or cheek cells swabs) from different people with different ethnic backgrounds.  I will extract the DNA and plot my findings using gel electrophoresis, to identify the different genetic markers/traits that are held by different ethnicities.

So in the spirit of discovery and competition, I wish all of my peers good luck and happy findings for this semester. I look forward to meeting all of the new interns and to reconnect with all of my ol' STEM buddies. I can't wait to get past my research phase and dig in! 

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